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Communication on your mobile phone… February 24, 2010

Posted by Kayleigh in Uncategorized.
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…it seems silly that the single reason for the invention of the phone is probably the last thing you think about. As fun as it may be to imitate playing the guitar on your mobile, the main use for the mobile phone seems to have been neglected. It seems to be the one application on mobiles which hasn’t evolved very much from the start.

The basic role of the mobile phone, and it’s reason for being invented is to stay connected. To be able to talk to your friends and family, wherever you are and whatever you are doing.

Some times, not so appropriately.

So I have been looking into ways we use our mobiles to stay connected. The contact list really doesn’t seem to have changed a lot over the course of mobile phones existance so I’ve started to look into ways it can be changed.